Кейс для агентств недвижимости

Заказчик: Агентство недвижимости в Турции Arbat Homes (г. Алания) https://arbathomes.ru/

The Huge Channel with the 24500 of Subscribers and 3 330 000 Views

The needs of the customer: performing of his own brand, expanding the number of client base, increasing in sales.

The strategy of the achievement of the goals: the regular output of the high quality content, the sound optimization of the video due to medium and low-quality enquiries, attractive package of the channel, launching of the official You Tube advertisements  for increasing in the target subscribers and views.

Targeted advertisements: the countries o CIS

What have been done during the advertising campaign:

  • We have made a sound description of the channel in the selling style with keywords and contacts; (https://www.youtube.com/user/arbathomes/about)
  • We have set the main page with adding of the contacts in the playlists;
  • We have made the complex analysis of packaging and moving of the channel;
  • We have optimized 20 videos in the way that they became better ranging in the search results of YouTube. To make this possible we created the detailed description with links to the social networks and the site, we have added the final wallpaper and we have chosen the relevant tags, which correspond to commercial search results;
  • We have set the account and created nearly 10 strategies of testing the efficiency;
  • We have launched the advertising campaign with brought 255 000 views;

Цифры справа означают место видео в поисковой выдаче Youtube по конкретному запросу

As it is seen on the screenshot, the percentage of the ads traffic is only 11%. The channel gets the most part of the traffic thanks to getting the video into the chapter “alike’(18%) and recommended (40%). It says about the dynamic development of the channel.

The advertisement plays the supporting role by helping the video to better range in the search result. It would be more complicated to reach such results without the ads.


The sound setting of the advertisement campaign together with the high quality content let us to get the great depth of views. 50% – it is extremely good result for commercial and business-channels.

Advertising of the videos is possible not only by overlays of the other people’s rolls, but also by much more effective way: getting into the top search result by key commercial enquiry. For instance, if the YouTube user enters the enquiry “ real estate in Turkey”, on the top of search there will be the roll of  real estate agency  Arbat Homes on the top search.

So the target viewers are sent to the requested video at once. The same situation is with enquiry “ real estate in Alania”

If you want to get this result or even better order the complex promotion of YouTube channel in our company. We can increase in organic views and taget viewers on your channel, which will convert in new sales in future.